Monday, 1 August 2011


Tech Superheroes and Supervillains 

Backstabbing! Betrayal! Rip-offs! Revivals! The tech world is full of drama--the kind of drama that wouldn't be out of place in a comic book. To drive that point home, we asked Neil McAllister (Adventures of Action Item) and Tony Talbert to create these what-if portraits of our favorite tech personalities as comic heroes and villains. Here are the secret identities that lurk within the world’s top tech luminaries, from Jobs to Gates to Torvalds to Zuckerberg.
最近漫画英雄势头正盛,搭着这股热潮,PC World 网站近日将9个科技行业的重要人物,藉由漫画英雄(或恶棍)的方式表达出他们的伟业贡献或者是各种不为人知的问题,字里行间充满着讽刺和调侃,相当有趣, 现在就让我们来看看是哪9大科技业重要人物入选吧!(编:你认识几个英雄(恶棍)呢?一起来猜猜看这些漫画是用哪些英雄(恶棍)设计的吧!)

1.Steve Jobs 

After his painful initial ouster from Apple, Steve Jobs underwent a radical transformation. Pride and rage amplified his Reality Distortion Field and his impeccable design aesthetic into a powerful force capable of entrancing men, women, and children the world over. Now, millions of people have been filled with insatiable lust for the turtlenecked tyrant’s shiny tech baubles. Word has it that his secret hit squad, known as The Geniuses, “schedules a visit” with anyone foolish enough to resist their leader’s mind-bending magic. 
1.史帝夫‧乔布斯(Steve Jobs,苹果电脑创立者)
曾经离开一手创立的苹果,史帝夫‧乔布斯从那时开始改头换面。他的傲慢与愤怒,让他无可挑剔的设计美学变成一种催眠力场,足以迷惑全世界的人,甚至包括女 性与小孩。现在全世界有数以百万计的人,身上都挂满「圆领毛衣暴君」设计的科技玩意儿。听说他拥有一只被称为「天才队伍」的杀手集团,准备造访那些抵抗他 们领导者「心灵控制」的蠢蛋。

2.Bill Gates 

Much like a certain ironclad superhero, Bill Gates once made billions by exploiting the world's markets--except instead of selling weapons, he sold a horribly bloated operating system and a ubiquitous office suite. Shamed by the horrors that he had inflicted upon the world's productivity, he decided to give back by fashioning his own superpowered suit to fight injustice (and malaria in Africa). Fun fact: His suit's optical technology eventually found its way into the Kinect.
2.比尔‧盖兹(Bill Gates,微软创办人)
就像某个钢铁英雄一样,比尔盖兹曾经利用全球市场赚进数十亿美元资产——只不过他卖的不是军火,是笨重的作业系统,以及无孔不入的办公室软体套件。之后他 对于自己所做过的恶事感到羞愧,因此决定使用自己的超能套装对抗世界的不公义(投身于公益与援助未开发国家)。有趣的是,超能钢铁套装其中一部份的功能, 最后被放到Kinect中。

3.Linus Torvalds 

Linus Torvalds fights for truth, justice, and the inalienable right to use a computer without being beholden to anyone. Not only can he code whatever superhero tools he needs to fight for liberty--compiled from tarballs!--but he also gets support for his freedom-fighting ways from his loose-knit confederation of open-source allies. And, of course, his rascally penguin sidekick Tux provides comic relief.
3.李纳斯·托沃兹(Linus Torvalds,Linux 原始设计者)

4.Ada Lovelace 

Every tech superbeing can trace the origin of their powers back to Ada Lovelace and her work on the Analytical Engine in the 1800s. Official records state that she died shortly after she began to tap the true power of the computer, but conspiratorial types are convinced that she haunts the Internet, lending a hand to the good guys in times of dire need...a friendly ghost in the machine.
4.艾达‧洛夫莱丝(Ada Lovelace,第一个程式设计师)

5.Mark Zuckerberg 

Although he does have the ability to throw the occasional sheep, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have superstrength or the ability to fly. What he does have is a database with every single piece of Internet communication you make on your phone or PC. That database contains information on everyone's strengths, weaknesses, and secret identities. He calls it "Facebook."
5.马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckberg ,脸书facebook创办人)
虽然他有能力可以用随机羊丢你(这应该是来自于脸书App Super Poke应用中的桥段),马克·扎克伯格并没有能够飞行的超能力。他的工作就是收集你电脑或者是电话中的资料,并将之放入他的社群网络资料库中,资料库中 包含每个人的长处、弱点以及秘密身分资料。他将那个资料库称为「脸书」。

6.Larry Page and Sergey Brin 

Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin aim to solve the world's wars, inequalities, and uniting everyone under the Google banner. This dynamic duo can always find whatever they're looking for, and they have the uncanny ability to manipulate the weather (well, the cloud, anyway). Backing them up is an army of Androids with a penchant for sweets.
6.拉里·佩奇以及瑟吉‧布林(Larry Page & Sergey Brin,Google创办人)
两位Google创办人的雄心壮志,就是利用Google的「不做恶 Do No Evil」信条,能够消弥地球上的战争、不平等以及冲突。这对充满活力的搭档总是可以找到他们想要找的东西,而且他们还能够操控天气(嗯...就是云端 咩),他们身后有一群爱吃甜食的Android大军随时为他们提供协助。

7.Steve Ballmer 

The Zune, the Kin, Windows Vista...well, those aren’t Steve Ballmer's fault. He’s just really, really excited about Microsoft and technology, and before you know it he's on the CES keynote stage shouting "DEVELOPERS!" over and over again.
7.史帝夫‧包默(Steve Ballmar,现任微软执行长)

8.Carol Bartz 

We wouldn't even be talking about Yahoo anymore if it weren't for Carol Bartz, who went off the deep end trying to restore Yahoo to its major-player status. She has trained in the ruthless art of Management Fu, and her loyal minions will stop at nothing (short of labor laws) to deliver her to Google's seat of power. Or Facebook's. She's not picky.
8.卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz,雅虎现任执行长)

9.Steve Fox 

You know that sinking feeling you get when you buy a brand-new gadget and think, "Man, this thing sucks?" PCWorld editorial director Steve Fox knows the feeling all too well: After having been bitten by a radioactive copy of Windows Me, he vowed to rid the world of baseless hype and too-smooth sales pitches. They say that "Steve Fox" is actually a title passed down from hero to hero, and that his powers are activated by reciting the PCWorld Oath:

In 4G blind spot
In Wi-Fi den
No bad tech is beyond my ken
Let shameless hucksters and pitchmen
Beware my writing, Steve Fox's pen!
9.史帝夫‧福克斯(Steve Fox,PC World 网站总编辑)
 你知道那种买了新的科技产品,却发现这是个烂东西,让你心头立即一沉的感觉吗?PC World总编史帝夫‧福克斯了解那种感觉,在被Windows ME的放射线伤害以后,他发誓要消除世界上各种毫无根据的产品炒作,还有各种光鲜亮丽的销售手法。有人说史帝夫‧福克斯已经传了好几代,是个英雄的称呼, 代表PC World创立时的誓言:


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